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Events by Month: June 2024
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Storytime: How to Find a Fox (SOLD OUT)
Tuesdays at 10:30 a.m.
Join us every Tuesday for an interactive session featuring the delightful tale "How to Find a Fox" by Nilah Magruder. Follow the playful fox's escapades as we explore its clever hiding spots.
Artist Talk: Cody Norman (SOLD OUT)
7 p.m.
This event has SOLD OUT. Purchase a Grounds Pass and check out Cody's work around the estate!
EyesOn Design at Ford House
10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Each Father's Day, thousands of car fans journey to the idyllic home of Edsel and Eleanor Ford for the visual feasts that is EyesOn Design. Organized around an annual design theme, vehicle owners are invited to share their rolling sculptures with the world.
Father's Day at Ford House
10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Each Father's Day, thousands of car fans journey to the idyllic home of Edsel and Eleanor Ford for the visual feasts that is EyesOn Design. Organized around an annual design theme, vehicle owners are invited to share their rolling sculptures with the world.
Outdoor Summer Concert: Gabriel Brass Band
7 p.m.
Ford House's summer concert series transforms the sprawling estate into a symphony of melodies under the open sky.
Explorers: Wayfinding (SOLD OUT)
10 - 11 a.m.
Which direction are you headed? Which way is north? Time to find out! Visit Ford House to learn about how compasses work. Y