
As you pick up your favorite Thai carryout or sit down with friends at the local burger joint, have you ever wondered “What happens to all the food that goes uneaten at restaurants?”

Well, according to the USDA’s Economic Research Service, approximately 133 billion pounds and $161 billion worth of food was wasted in 2010. This means instead of possibly feeding individuals and families in need, unused food often gets disposed of immediately which can lead to more resources spent on labor, water, and energy having to discard it.  That’s where food rescue comes in.

Food rescue or food recovery is the practice of collecting fresh, unused, edible food that would have gone to waste from grocery stores, restaurants, and other food establishments, and donating it to local agencies in the community such as soup kitchens and shelters.

At Ford House, sustainability is one of our top priorities and we understand that this lifestyle means more than having cool, carbon-neutral buildings, and electric car charging ports, it also means being committed to the improvement of the environment and community outside of our four walls.

With sustainability as a pillar of our mission, we knew we needed to be part of the solution to help individuals and families that are struggling economically or suffer from food insecurity. 

We are proud to share that we are an approved Food Rescue US supplier. Food Rescue US is a national nonprofit that engages volunteers to transfer fresh food surpluses from local businesses to social service agencies serving the food insecure. Through this partnership, we will be able to donate our surplus of unused food from our dining establishments, The Continental, and The Speedster, as well as from our many events.

We’re excited to share that from October 2022-January 2023 we have provided 385 pounds of food through this program and we will continue to expand our sustainability efforts to fight hunger and help our planet.  

To learn more about Food Rescue US, please visit

As of February 6, 2023, we have donated 5 times for a total of 385lbs of food!